Driver Tips: How to Drive Safely Alongside Large Trucks

Driving alongside large trucks is a common part of life on the road, but it’s not always easy to understand how to share the road safely. Trucks play a critical role in keeping our economy moving, but their size, weight, and unique handling mean that they operate much differently than passenger vehicles. Every year, accidents involving trucks and smaller vehicles highlight just how important it is for all drivers to work together to ensure everyone’s safety.  

At Storey Trucking, we’re committed to safety for everyone on the road. That’s why we’re sharing tips to help drivers better understand how to navigate around large trucks. By staying informed and making smart decisions, we can all help create safer highways for everyone.

Understanding the Nature of Large Trucks

Trucks are much heavier and slower to maneuver than cars. They also have significant blind spots, longer stopping distances and need extra space for turns.  

Knowing these limitations can help you anticipate a truck driver’s actions and drive more safely around them.  

Avoid Blind Spots

Large trucks have blind spots on all four sides. If you can’t see the truck driver in their mirrors, they can’t see you.  


Stay out of these "No Zones" and avoid lingering alongside a truck. Passing quickly and safely is key.  

Don’t Cut Off Trucks

Trucks need more distance to stop than passenger vehicles. Cutting in front of a truck too closely can lead to serious accidents if they don’t have enough time to brake.  

When merging or changing lanes, always give trucks plenty of space.  

Pass on the Left

If you need to pass a truck, always do so on the left side. This is where the driver has the best visibility.  

Be sure to maintain a steady speed, signal clearly and avoid cutting back into the lane too soon.  

Keep a Safe Following Distance  

Tailgating a truck is dangerous. You can’t see what’s ahead, and the truck’s large size reduces your reaction time.  

Stay far enough back so you can see the truck’s mirrors. This ensures the driver knows you’re there and gives you space to react.  

Watch for Wide Turns

Trucks need extra room to make turns, especially to the right. You might see them swing wide or briefly move left to complete a turn.  

Never try to squeeze between a turning truck and the curb—it’s a dangerous spot to be.  

Adjust for Weather and Night Driving

Bad weather and low visibility make driving near trucks even riskier. Trucks take longer to stop in rain or snow, and spray from their tires can reduce your visibility.  

At night, stay visible by keeping your headlights on and avoiding sudden lane changes or stops.  

Why Road Safety Matters

Accidents involving trucks and smaller vehicles often have serious consequences. Many of these crashes could be prevented with better awareness and safer driving practices.  

By working together, we can reduce these incidents and make the road safer for everyone.  

Let’s Make the Roads Safer

At Storey Trucking, we believe that safety is a shared responsibility. By following these tips, you can do your part to protect yourself, truck drivers and others on the road.

Want more tips or updates? Follow Storey Trucking on social media and stay informed about road safety. Together, we can keep America’s highways safe and efficient!  



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